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MÄNNER Scarf in Cashmere

Scarf in Cashmere

Scarf in Cashmere

Unser hochwertiger Kaschmir wird von unseren Kunsthandwerkern in Ligurien in sorgfältiger Handarbeit hergestellt, wobei nur das beste Kaschmir von Ziegen aus der Wüste Gobi verwendet wird. Aus dieser Kombination von Know-how und Qualität entstehen unsere Kaschmirschals. Ihre Weichheit wird Ihren Hals in eine warme Umarmung hüllen, die Sie nie wieder hergeben möchten.
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  • KOSTENLOS Automatisch nach Ablauf von 30 Tagen erneuert zu einer monatlichen Mitgliedschaft von 5€ (60€ pro Jahr)
  • KOSTENLOS Zugang zu Member-Vorteilen - keine Haken - jederzeit innerhalb des 30-tägigen Zeitraums kündbar
  • Bis zu -80% bei jedem Kauf sparen
  • Kostenloser Versand
  • Zugriff auf mehr als 1.500 Produkte
  • Made in Europe
  • Artisans von höchster Qualität
Herkunft:Handmade in Italy
Unser Artisan: Sartoria Irene, From Liguria, since 1922
kategorie: Luxury Artisan
Herkunft: Handmade in Italy
Unser Artisan: Sartoria Irene, From Liguria, since 1922
kategorie: Luxury Artisan

Wir machen keinen Gewinn durch den Verkauf von Produkten.

Rohmaterial, Löhne, Verpackung
Lagerung, Versand & Retouren
Rechnungsstellung und Kundendienst
Research, Design and Development
TOTAL: €120,00
Retail mark up:
Die traditionellen Marken kalkulieren je nach Produktkategorie mit einem Handelsaufschlag zwischen dem 3-6-fachen der Herstellerkosten.

  • 100% Cashmere
  • Cashmere products can be washed by hand or, if machine washable, at a gentle wool cycle with a special detergent for cashmere, at a maximum temperature of 30 degrees.
  • Before washing, turn the cashmere product inside out to preserve its softness.

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45X180 cm


Our raw material supplier's rule is to respect animals which are also their livelihood; they must be protected and preserved.



Garn Produzent

The yarn dyeing design and production are made in Italy to guarantee environmental respect and research the best quality.


Our artisans select the best raw material harvested from hircus goats on the edge of the Gobi desert in Asia.


100 years of history in fine yarns

Nestled along the enchanting coastline of Liguria, Irene's company is a beacon of excellence in the world of cashmere fashion, blending the timeless allure of this luxurious material with the unparalleled craftsmanship of Italian artisans, seamlessly weaving together the past and the present to create cashmere clothing that epitomizes both quality and style. Proudly displaying their Total Made in Italy philosophy, Irene's main concern has always been the respect for the environment, for the people, and for the animals that provide her precious raw materials.


100 years of history in fine yarns

Nestled along the enchanting coastline of Liguria, Irene's company is a beacon of excellence in the world of cashmere fashion, blending the timeless allure of this luxurious material with the unparalleled craftsmanship of Italian artisans, seamlessly weaving together the past and the present to create cashmere clothing that epitomizes both quality and style. Proudly displaying their Total Made in Italy philosophy, Irene's main concern has always been the respect for the environment, for the people, and for the animals that provide her precious raw materials.
